Oh my stars.....Bad Girls of the Bible

Oh my stars......if you have never read Liz Curtis Higgs you are missing out!!! Bad Girls of the Bible is outstanding! The fictional story at the beginning of each Bad Girl, just sucks you in, you can see her, hear her...Oh my stars....you know her!!! Bad to the Bone, Bad for a Season, or Bad for the moment...we all have been there. Lizzy helps us to learn from these women, to love these women and... to grow from these women. There are not many Bible studies about women for women and Liz Curtis Higgs brings it to us!! My Sunday School Class is starting this study and we are very excited. Read this awesome book and then decided.....are you Bad to the Bone, Bad for a Moment or Bad for a Season?????????????????  This book was sent to me free by Waterbrook Multnomah.
· · · about an hour ago


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