Here we are, beginning another New Year. This year I am going to be better, lose 15 pounds, read my Bible daily, plan our dinners and budget our money better than last year….OOOO that was last year! And the year before that and the year before that. Isn’t that how we all think? If I could just lose some weight. If I could just read my Bible every day. If I could just plan our meals I would save money and lose weight! If I could budget my money better I would be able to give to those special last minute offerings at church or help a family in need, BUT I purchased items that were on sale and I really didn’t need. By the time I get up in the mornings at 5 am; drive to town to exercise with the girls at 5:30 for 30 to 45 minutes, drive back home, shower, have a cup of coffee, listen to the news, get back in my truck, drive back to town, go to the post office, then to the Gin office, drive to Kennett, go to that post office, go to two different banks to ...
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