Oh My Stars.....EARTHQUAKE???
Thanks Missy Norred for the amazing photo with my granddaughters! August 7!!! How crazy is that? I don't even have children at home anymore and my summer has flown by. For me, May and June are very busy because I work full-time in the agriculture business and my office is crazy busy fertilizing corn, soybeans, rice and cotton, not to mention the farmers purchasing their seed and chemicals. There is a small window to get the crop in the field and get the fertilizer on it, before it starts raining or even a bigger deal NOT RAINING. The last week in June, my friend Tamra Martin, drove to Cincinnati, Ohio to get my beautiful granddaughters, Nyla, who is now 9 and Marilynn who is now 5, to stay with me and Scott for 14 days. Our adventure began even before we out home. We drove west of Cincinnati to Williamstown, Kentucky to visit The Ark Encounter, https://arkencounter.com. It was very crowded, and not really something most kiddo's under the age o...