Oh My Stars.....EARTHQUAKE???

Thanks Missy Norred for the amazing photo with my granddaughters!

August 7!!! How crazy is that?  I don't even have children at home anymore and my summer has flown by.  For me, May and June are very busy because I work full-time in the agriculture business and my office is crazy busy fertilizing corn, soybeans, rice and cotton, not to mention the farmers purchasing their seed and chemicals.  There is a small window to get the crop in the field and get the fertilizer on it, before it starts raining or even a bigger deal NOT RAINING.

The last week in June, my friend Tamra Martin, drove to Cincinnati, Ohio to get my beautiful granddaughters, Nyla, who is now 9 and Marilynn who is now 5, to stay with me and Scott for 14 days.  Our adventure began even before we out home.  We drove west of Cincinnati to Williamstown, Kentucky to visit The Ark Encounter,https://arkencounter.com. It was very crowded, and not really something most kiddo's under the age of 14 would really enjoy...I was so disappointed for my girls.  With that said, I really think my Women's Sunday School Class would LOVE it!  There is a lot of reading, several video's to watch, and remember those "things" we used to do in school called diorama's??  There are huge diorama's on the ark, like I said, fun girls trip not so fun granddaughters trip.
The Ark Encounter

While the girls were here, we swam almost everyday and Marilynn was swimming without her floaties on the day before they left!! We had craft days, water park days, the Discovery Park in Jackson, Tennessee, fishing, three movies, everyday was a swim day...we had fun!!
Swimming with Nyla, Parker, Marilynn and Cash at GiGi's house

Fishing with PaPa Scott out back on the deck.

The last week of July sent me to Salama, Guatemala on a mission trip with LOVE BEYOND BORDERS, I love Gary and Susan Fulton!  I love being around someone who really loves the Lord with their whole heart, mind and soul, and you only have to be around them a short time to know that is how they love the LORD and the people of Guatemala.  Before that week though there were lots of activities that took place to get us to Guatemala.  The trip cost $1800 per person and this year Rector First Baptist Church's Women's Missionary Union decided to help us raise money for part of our trip.  We had a "Yard Sale" which really took place in our Family Life Center, we sold chicken plates and Boston Butts, we sponsored our first ever 5K and 10K run....it was like we were doing something every week to raise money for our trip!!  I use and sell Rodan & Fields, banderson3.myrandf.com  skincare and Plexus, shopmyplexus.com/barbiranderson,  the money I made from getting new customers and re-orders on those products, also provided my way to Guatemala.
*This is Sharon Wilson, face painting, this was Sharon's first mission trip!! The children loved her.

Yes, I hear some of you saying under your breath, "There is plenty to do right here in Clay County, in Rector, in Arkansas and in the United States, why in the world do I feel the need to go over seas to share the gospel?"  Because Matthew 28 tells us that is actually what we are called to do as believers in Christ.  Acts 1:8 reinforces what Jesus told his disciples before He left them again.  We had 38 people accept Christ as their Savior in Rinco Grande, Guatemala!!  38!!! That is amazing!  Plus one of the other reasons I love going....I come home renewed! Renewed with thanksgiving, renewed with my love for Christ, renewed with a sense of urgency to tell others about Jesus and how He has forever changed my life.
*This is Susan Fulton, she not only was our missionary, she was our translator. Behind Susan is Sarah Robinson, this was Sarah's first mission trip and she was amazing!! In the corner is our friend Josslyn.

Matthew 28 tells us about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This chapter was our daily devotion in Guatemala this year and verse 2 really stuck out to me, it says:  "And behold, there was a great earthquake:  for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it."

Mary Magdalee and the other Mary had went to the tomb that morning to place herbs on Jesus's body.  I am sure they were still upset about Jesus dying three days earlier, I am sure they were probably asking themselves why that didn't make Jesus run and hide, or why didn't they talk Him into laying low for a couple of months because they all knew the Jews were getting mad at Him because of all He was doing and saying. I am sure they were numb with loss because they loved Him, they missed Him and they were grieving Him.  Then there was an EARTHQUAKE!! As if an angel sitting on top of the bolder was not enough of a wake up call for those ladies, God caused an earthquake to get their attention....do you ever need an earthquake to get your attention?  Do you ever just go through the motions and not really remember how you got there or how you finished your project?  God sends us earthquakes today to get our attention...I am not talking about actual earthquakes, I am talking about events or people in our lives to shake us up, to help us pay attention.  My sons are grown men today, how I wished I would have paid attention to the earthquakes when they lived at home, I feel I took those days for granted and wished them away...I was more concerned about getting the laundry done, cooking supper, doing those dishes, baths, volunteering in town (because at that point in my life I needed anybody to tell me I was great or that I did a wonderful job, well, almost anyone, Mom and God didn't count then.  Mom had to love me, and I felt God was just sitting up in heaven twisting His hands together thinking, "Is she EVER going to get this right??").  Now, I want to be your earthquake.  I want you to notice all the blessing around you.  I want to shake up your world so much, that you will do a double take at your surroundings and soak in what God has in store for you.

What are you missing out on??  Do you feel that your life is missing something?  Do you have a void in your life?  Maybe God is trying to let you know that He has big plans for you, Jeremiah 29:11 tells you that HE does have plans for your life. You have a choice today...are you going to choose to believe God or are you going to choose not to...when you choose not to believe...you are choosing to listen and believe satan...Let me tell you GOD WINS!! I want on the winning team....I pray you do too.

If you have questions feel free to message me on Facebook @ Barbi Anderson, tweet me @barbiterry or Instagram message me @ Barbi Anderson.  Find you a Bible believing church who loves the LORD or come to Rector First Baptist and let us love on you!!!


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