OH MY STARS....We love Jane Holifield!!
Oh my stars…… The Rebuild Renew & Restore Women’s Group met last night and what a treat we received!! We decided we wanted to start each meeting out with 15 minutes of exercise, which Darlene and I did, we worked our arms, legs and abs. After the brief exercise class we loaded in Darlene’s car and drove across town to meet with one of the most remarkable women I have ever known, Jane Holifield. Jane knew we were coming, and I told her NO EATS and NO DRINKS! We just worked out!! I had asked Jane to prepare a short devotion, scripture, or a story in order for us to get to know her a little better. Jane told us about a women she had just read about in her Mature Living from Lifeway, Aileen Coleman, the Desert Rat to the Arab World. It was so nice to listen to the excitement in her voice as she told us all about Aileen Coleman and how she never married, how she worked in Bethlehem as a nurse and how God used her and all the decisions she made to glorify HIM. Mrs. Jane was...