Rebuild, Renew and Restore
Barbi Anderson

·       Pray:
·       Read Jeremiah 29:11
·       What does that verse  say to you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
·       Do you believe that God wants something MORE for you and your live? ___________________________________
·       Do you want something more for your life? _____________________
·       Why are you coming to this class? ______________________
·       Healthier lifestyle? ________________________________________
·         Lose weight?  _______________________
·       Are you planning to exercise? ____________________
·       What other changes do you need to make in your life? _______
·       If you were called by God right now, to ... let’s say.....go on a mission trip to Africa....could you do it?  I mean physically?  Mentally?  Financially? We are talking about money or being able to get off work, but also, could  you do all the walking, lifting, bending, heat, and work it is required of you to go to Africa?  ___________________________
Your body and your mind would have to be Restored to do this trip, I am sure.
·       Read John 10:10
·         What does that verse tell you? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
·       What does abundant mean to you? ___________________________
·       What does overflowing mean to you? __________________________
·       I mean we are not just talking about money, that scripture does not say that Jesus came to give you abundant money, it says that Jesus came to give us an abundant life or a life overflowing.  Is your life overflowing today? __________________________________
·       What would be an overflowing life to you? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
·       Do you have any life goals?  Not for your family, for YOU!!  _______________
·       What are they?  _______________________________________
·       Remember, in the previous verse the Bible tells us to dream big because God has even bigger dreams for you than even you can dream of.  Dream big!!  Set your goals BIG!  Think of this as a life time, not a summertime thing.
Be Restored to the fun loving person you once were!
Are you JOYFUL?  Is there any reason for you to be Joyful in your life today? _______________________

What is the difference between joyful and happy? ______________________________________________________________________

·       Read Isaiah 61:1-4.
·       Isaiah is talking to the captive Children of God, are you a child of God?  Are you being held captive in a life, a body, an attitude that you do not want any part of any longer? __________
·       Verse 4 tells us what is going to happen to the ancient ruins (I feel pretty ancient sometimes, don’t you?  And I feel like I am ruined); places long devastated (how long have you been devastated, depressed, hurting, joyless?); this journey is not just about our lives but about our grandparents as well as our grandchildren! (devastated for generations!!!).  What is it? 1.____________________________________________________________________2.____________________________________________________________________3.___________________________________________________________________
·       Do you feel ancient at times? ________ Do you like your body right now? __________ Do you like who you are right now? _______ Do you like where you are going right now in your life?  __________  Wouldn’t be great to be rebuilt???????? ______________________ You bet!!!  God wants that for you!
·       What did you look like at twenty?  Well, I can’t promise that you will look like a twenty year old, but when we begin to Rebuild our body and our lives, our soul will become RESTORED.  Your mind , body and soul will begin to fill up with all the promises that God has instore for you and you will begin to believe that God wants good, the best, wonderful things for you in your life, and that my friend is not sitting on the couch eating chips and not exercising.  Exercise, gets out toxins, clears your mind, makes you feel....RESTORED!
·       Are you brokenhearted?  Are you tried of being tried?  Do you wish you could get a do-over?  Guess what????  You can!!!!  Jesus came to RENEW our soul, and when we RENEW our soul, our mind, and body will follow!

·       Surround yourself with positive people.
·       Don’t let the people who say negative things inside your head.
·       You are worthy of this, you can do it, and you deserve to do it.

You have to schedule time for you!!!!  Do not cut it out.


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