Here we go again and again and again and again......

Here we are, beginning another New Year.  This year I am going to be better, lose 15 pounds, read my Bible daily, plan our dinners and budget our money better than last year….OOOO that was last year! And the year before that and the year before that. Isn’t that how we all think?  If I could just lose some weight.  If I could just read my Bible every day.  If I could just plan our meals I would save money and lose weight!  If I could budget my money better I would be able to give to those special last minute offerings at church or help a family in need, BUT I purchased items that were on sale and I really didn’t need.  By the time I get up in the mornings at 5 am; drive to town to exercise with the girls at 5:30 for 30 to 45 minutes, drive back home, shower, have a cup of coffee, listen to the news, get back in my truck, drive back to town, go to the post office, then to the Gin office, drive to Kennett, go to that post office, go to two different banks to make deposits, and then land at the Gin office in Kennett my day is half gone!  Once again, I started my day off without talking to the Lord, seeking His will for my day or even reading His love letters.  I have to ponder, while sitting in that old gin office, how would my day have been different if I had started it off by thanking God for another day.  Another day to be able to tell others about His love for them and to give someone who is hurting, depressed or sick a Love Letter that would change their life forever.  I am going to do better, I am going to do better, I am going to do better, we are going to do better, WE are going to do better. 

So, here goes everything.  I am going to do better with this blog.  I am going to be posting scripture that helps me, inspires me, motives me, and that shames me.  I am going to be posting healthy recipes that I love, that I have created or that I have found and want to try.  I am going to be posting updates from Rebuild, Renew and Restore group when we meet on Tuesday’s at 6:30 pm at the Rector First Baptist Church.  I would love comments from all of you.  If you liked the recipes, if the scripture touched your heart, your hurts, desires and plans for seeking God this year.  Every year it seems on January 1 I am pushing Re-set and what I really want to push is OK WHAT IS NEXT.  Let’s do this together….

Tuesday January 13, 2015 will be the first meeting of REBUILD, RENEW AND RESTORE at the Rector First Baptist Church.  We will be meeting at 6:30 pm, in the exercise room which is down the hall of the gym.  I know that I am not the only women in Rector needing to be REBUILT, RENEWED AND RESTORED, so why not go on the this journey together?  Here are some things we will talking about:
1.       Are you joyful?  Are you happy?  Is this where you thought your life would be when you graduated high school?
2.       Do those things really matter?  Do they really matter to God?  Aren’t we being a little self-centered when we desire those things instead of focusing on “Things of God”?
3.       What do you desire for yourself?
4.       Are you healthy?
5.        How are your finances?
6.       Are you and God where you really want to be?  Do you desire MORE? More from church? More from the so called Christians who go to church?
7.       Do you just feel helpless?  No good? Unworthy?
8.       Keeping under the radar works best for you; you really don’t want people to see or notice you because then reality just hits your square in the face and you MIGHT have to do something about it…
9.       Do you just want loved?  Do you need some romance?  So love letters would be nice!
10.   Do you believe God really had or has a plan for your life?  Really??

We are going to start there.  Then in following weeks, we are going to visit some amazing women we will share their knowledge with us, their wisdom and we will leave them humbled and in awe of God.  We will learn some cooking tips, exercise tips, money tips…We will be visiting with God every week, seeking Him, and thanking Him for His Son Jesus. 
We will meet every 2nd, 3th and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.  What about the 1st Tuesday?? Well, that is WMU and you are welcome to come to that too!!!

This week’s scripture memory verse is:
Isaiah 61:4

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.


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